Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Your Making me Want to Breastfed"

Last night I hosted a party, it including a demonstration of the goods the party-goers could buy and was followed by a meal and talking among ourselves. Little firework was at the party since it was at my apartment, and she played with all the guests and tried our soup but, since she is only 6 months old, she is still breastfed 6-10 times throughout the day. She got hungry and didn't want the soup.. she wanted her mama's milk! I didn't think twice about sitting in my glider and raising my shirt to nurse my baby in my house! Conversation continued and most of the guest (my friends) were commenting on how sweet it was and were actually interested in watching a baby nurse. All of my guest were women and all over the age of 20, but only one other woman had ever SEEN a baby breastfeed before!
My firework started to fight sleep, so I just stood up and walked around while she nursed so she would settle down. Then, a woman, whose son is just 3 months older than my firework baby, said "Your just a little to comfortable with that" I said, "What do you mean?" She replied, " I mean I wouldn't do that in front of people!" I used my go to response, "You see more of a woman's breast at the beach than when I am breastfeeding." To my dismay, this mother of an infant, said, "Oh I don't care if I see a boob, but she is SUCKING on your nipple!!?!" Well.. how is the milk supposed to come out? Are there magical letdown fairies that help with this that I don't know about? So I said, "That's what they are there for!" She replied, "No it isn't".
Do we, as American women, honestly put our men's sexual gratification above our children s' nutritional needs? It is just an odd concept! Do American men have such a fixation on breast that it is impossible for them to watch their own child nurse? I know that my man considers himself lucky to get to share (occasionally) with our firework baby! They are made for nurturing a child NOT pleasing a man.
So as my friend made her ignorant remark, and the room got silent, all these things were racing through my head. All I manage to get out is "What else are they there for?" Now everyone is looking at me and my precious, nursing baby. I gain my courage, "This is the best thing for her! She is never sick, ALWAYS happy and racing ahead in all her developmental milestones! Why wouldn't I want to 'let her suck my nipple?'"
To this she replied, "Your making me want to breastfeed my next baby."
Success :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thanks for the Yum Yum

I HAVE HAD IT! Why do people think because a child can tell  her mommy "Thank you" or "Yum Yum" after they finish nursing that it is disgusting?? I think it is precious to see a child thank his mother for providing the most basic and loving form of food on the planet!
Everyone wants to compare nursing to a sexual act or urinating, when done in public.. so lets go. How many times have you walked past a couple in the airport or train station clinging to each other, kissing, hugging, and (let's be honest) dry humping each other. Some women stop to watch, even sighing at the romance of it all! But nobody would dare break the couple up because that PDA is completely inappropriate. I mean, they probably had no idea they would be separated in a few short hours, it was suddenly sprung upon them while they just happened to be walking past an Airport. They are ADULTS!! No way would they let their emotions get the best of them if they just had time to prepare!
Here's another example for all of you who seem to think "Thank You" and "Yum Yum" or "Baby Nursey?" is preverted, sexual talk. Have you ever walked past a couple in a restaurant, CLEARLY having a sexual conversation? Why yes!! Of course you have! It happens every single day! But if you caught a little snipit of someone's personal conversation (that they were having in public) well, shame on you for being so nosy! They can talk about whatever they want! God forbid you see a hand slip and the table during dessert! How embarrassing for you.. how could you invade someone's (public) privacy like that! And if your child heard.. well then you just need to go ahead and tell your 7 year old what a blow job is! It's no big deal.. he doesn't need to be sheltered anyways, he is basically grown!
Now.. your right, if I can nurse my baby in public, IN FRONT OF DECENT PEOPLE, then anyone who needs to relieve their bladder should be able to. But.. oh wait!! We see you coming out of those bars at noon, stumbling over to a coffee shop. What is on his pants??? OOOHHH.. LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY!! NONONONNOOOO!!! Ok, in the clear.. we didn't shame a grown man who PISSED himself by acknowledging the fact we saw he had urinated all over his pants! Good grief, woman! Don't you know things happen?? Sometimes you have a little too much to drink and you just can't control yourself! That isn't gross.. it's embarrassing that you were even looking at his crotch! SHAME ON YOU!! Nasty woman!
So a baby who wants to eat should be able to control her emotions and learn to respect others and just wait. Adults do it all the time, right? Oh lord, never ever nurse a child who can speak for fear of the precious little baby saying something perverted, nobody wants to hear that! If the rest of the world can't pee and poop in front of whoever they want, then put away your milk bags!

There you have it. The rest of Americans are truly geniuses! We (the breastfeeding mothers) are all neanderthals who are teaching our children to be selfish and needy individuals! CAN'T YOU SEE THE LOGIC???